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vCPU and Multi-core


Photon vCPU == native OS thread

Each vCPU has a scheduler, executing and switching threads.

Enable multi-core

Currently, there are only two ways in Photon to utilize multiple cores:

1. Create OS thread manually, and initialize the Env

thread_migrate could be used to migrate thread to other vCPU.


auto th = photon::thread_create11(func);
photon::thread_migrate(th, vcpu);

2. Use WorkPool




Create a WorkPool to manage multiple vCPUs, and utilize multi-core.


WorkPool(size_t vcpu_num, int ev_engine = 0, int io_engine = 0, int thread_mod = -1);
  • vcpu_num How many vCPUs to be created for this workpool
  • ev_engine How to init event engine for these vCPUs
  • io_engine How to init io engine for these vCPUs
  • thread_mod Threads working mode:
    • -1 for non-thread mode
    • 0 will create a photon thread for every task
    • >0 will create photon threads from a thread_pool. Pool size equals to this number.

Public Method

1. Async Call
template <typename Task>
int WorkPool::async_call(Task* task);
  • async_call uses an MPMC Queue to deliver messages to multiple vCPUs inside the WorkPool for execution. The caller does not wait for execution to complete.
  • task is usually a new-ed lambda function. It will be automatically deleted after execution.

See this example:

photon::WorkPool pool(4, photon::INIT_EVENT_DEFAULT, photon::INIT_IO_NONE, 32768);
photon::semephore sem;

pool.async_call(new auto ([&]{
2. Get vCPU number
int get_vcpu_num();

The number is only for the WorkPool. The main OS thread doesn't count.

3. Thread Migrate

WorkPool thread migrate relies on the basic coroutine migrate, not the MPMC Queue.

int thread_migrate(photon::thread* th = CURRENT, size_t index = -1UL);
  • th Photon thread that going to migrate
  • index Which vCPU in pool to migrate to. if index is not in range [0, vcpu_num), for instance, the default value -1UL, it will choose the next vCPU in pool (round-robin).

Returns 0 for success, and <0 means failed to migrate.