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· One min read
Bob Chen

Since version 0.6, Photon can run on an userspace TCP/IP stack if enabled the INIT_IO_FSTACK_DPDK io engine.

F-Stack is an open-source project that has ported the entire FreeBSD network stack on top of DPDK, and provided userspace sockets and events API. We have integrated Photon's coroutine scheduler with F-Stack, and made a busy-polling program more friendly to DPDK developers than ever before. In terms of performance, the network app has seen the improvement of 20% ~ 40%, compared with the Linux kernel based on interrupt.

This article will introduce how to configure SR-IOV on a Mellanox NIC, how to set up F-Stack and DPDK environment, how to enable the Flow Bifurcation to filter the specific TCP/IP flow that you only concern, and finally how to run Photon on top of them, in order to build a high performance net server.

Configure SR-IOV on Mellanox ConnectX-4

1. Enable IOMMU

# Edit /etc/default/grub, expand GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX with 'intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pci=realloc'
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Note the pci=realloc is a work-around solution for CentOS and RHEL. Without this, kernel would report not enough MMIO resources for SR-IOV, see this issue.

2. Set VF number

echo 4 > /sys/class/net/eth0/device/sriov_numvfs

If you are having an Intel NIC, this step is likely to succeed. However, for the Mellanox one, it might fail because of the lack of proper mlx driver in your kernel. Then you would need to download the official driver from NVidia, and make a full install.

There are many available releases in, you should choose one that matches to your kernel version and OS version the best. An improper version might lead to compiling error when building kernel modules later. My test machine is CentOS 7 with kernel 5.x, so I downloaded MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.4-

3. Install mlnx_ofed driver

First you need to check your gcc version. It has to be the same one that built your kernel. Otherwise you will need to upgrade your gcc.

gcc --version
cat /proc/version

Note that the NVidia official doc said we should install 'createrepo', but in CentOS 7, there are some tiny bugs of its Python scripts. The 'createrepo_c' package will solve this.

yum install python-devel tcl tk elfutils-libelf-devel createrepo_c

Because the mlnx_ofed driver has already included rdma packages, to avoid collision, I decided to remove all rdma-related rpms previously installed in my test machine.

rpm -qa | grep rdma
rpm -e ...

Build and install the driver and the additional packages.

./mlnxofedinstall --skip-distro-check --add-kernel-support --without-mlnx-nvme --dpdk

# Update initramfs
dracut -f

# There will be rdma-core, rdma-core-devel, librdmacm and librdmacm-utils.
rpm -qa | grep rdma

Now we need to restart the server. Be careful, there is a possibility that the interface name of your NIC might change, for example, from eth0 to something like enp3s0f0, where 3 for Bus, 0 for Device, and 0 for Function, represented in the 03:00.0 BDF notation. It will incur connection failure of your server and unable to log in.

To solve this, your first option is to disable the Consistent Interface Device Naming in Linux, and then persist the new names by udev rules. See the NVidia docs at 1, 2.

  1. Append GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub with net.ifnames=0
  2. Create the /etc/udev/rules.d/85-net-persistent-names.rules with the following content
# PCI device 15b3:1019 (mlx5_core)
# NAME:="some name" , := is used to make sure that device name will be persistent.
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:02:c9:fa:c3:50", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME:="eth0"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:02:c9:fa:c3:51", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME:="eth1"

The second option, if you are OK with the new names, you can update the NIC scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and make them correct.

Finally, everything get ready, just reboot:


After reboot:

# Start Mellanox Software Tools Service
mst start

# Show device name and port mapping
mst status

# Check firmware capabilities
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4117_pciconf0 query | grep NUM_OF_VFS

# Set VF number. Should succeed now
echo 4 > /sys/class/net/enp3s0f0/device/sriov_numvfs
lspci -nn | grep 'Ethernet controller'

Install DPDK

The F-Stack version we choose is 1.22, and it has explicitly required DPDK version to be 20.11.

Install dependencies:

yum install python3-pip
yum install numactl-devel zlib-devel ninja
pip3 install meson pyelftools

Build and install:

cd dpdk-20.11
CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MLX5_PMD=y meson -Denable_kmods=true -Dtests=false build
cd build
ninja install

Run simple test:

# Allocate 10GB huge-pages
echo 5120 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

# Attach your PF (with main IP) and one of the VFs (idle) to the poll-mode-driver test
./build/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 0-3 -n 4 -a 0000:03:00.0 -a 0000:03:00.2 -- --nb-cores=2 --flow-isolate-all -i -a

The --flow-isolate-all option is a MUST do. It enables Flow Bifurcation and ensures that all the undetermined flow will be forwarded to the Linux kernel. Because the default behavior is to drop all packets, so unless you configure the flow table or enable the --flow-isolate-all option, your network connection will be lost again ...

Install F-Stack

Upgrade pkg-config

The pkg-config command in CentOS 7 is of version 0.27.1, and it has a bug that does not correctly handle gcc's --whole-archive option. As per F-Stack's document, we can upgrade it to 0.29.2.

Modify make scripts

  1. Edit lib/Makefile, comment out DEBUG=.... We want a release build.
  2. Edit lib/Makefile, enable FF_FLOW_ISOLATE=1. It is the trigger of Flow Bifurcation for TCP. The hardcoded TCP port is 80.
  3. Edit mk/, add -Wno-error=format-overflow to CWARNFLAGS, in case a compiler warning being regarded as error.

Build and install

export FF_PATH=/root/f-stack-1.22  # Change to your own dir
export REGULAR_PKG_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/
export DPDK_PKG_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(pkg-config --variable=pc_path pkg-config):${REGULAR_PKG_CONFIG_DIR}:${DPDK_PKG_CONFIG_DIR}

cd f-stack-1.22/lib
make -j
make install


F-Stack has a global config file at /etc/f-stack.conf. We need to make a few changes before running it.

  1. Change pkt_tx_delay=100 to pkt_tx_delay=0. So it will send packets immediately, rather than wait for a while.
  2. Modify the [port0] section, including addr, netmask, broadcast and gateway. Keep the same to your test machine, because our DPDK app only needs to have a unique TCP port.
  3. Add pci_whitelist=03:00.0,03:00.2. As explained above, the first one is your PF with main IP, the other is one of its idle VFs. The Flow Bifurcation will forward specific TCP flow to VF, while leaving the rest traffic to the PF, for the Linux kernel.

Run Photon

We have provided a new example. It looks quite alike the old echo server example, only a few lines of changes, but now the backend becomes DPDK.

cd PhotonLibOS
cmake --build build -j -t fstack-dpdk-demo


· One min read
Bob Chen

As we all know, C++11 introduced the thread_local keyword to replace the __thread provided by the compiler, or the specific key related functions provided by the pthread library.

Here is a typical example of using thread_local.

#include <thread>

static thread_local int i = 0;

int main() {
auto th = std::thread([]{
i = 1;

assert(i == 0);

Photon begins to support TLS for coroutines since version 0.4.0. Due to some limitations, Photon cannot achieve the same syntax as thread_local, but implements it in a close way.

#include <photon/thread/std-compat.h>

static photon::thread_local_ptr<int, int> pI(0);

int main() {
if (photon::init())

auto th = photon_std::thread([]{
*pI = 1;

assert(*pI == 0);

In this code above, thread_local_ptr is a template class that provides pointer-like operators. You need to pass the appropriate constructor type to its template parameter, which in this example, is also a int.

When users access it in different coroutines, they will always get a separate value.

Below is a more complicated example:

class Value {
explicit Value(std::string s) : m_s(std::move(s)) {}
size_t size() { return m_s.size(); }
std::string m_s;

class A {
void func();
static photon::thread_local_ptr<Value, std::string> m_value;

static photon::thread_local_ptr<Value, std::string> m_value("123");

void A::func() {
std::cout << "Value size " << m_value->size() << std::endl;